Michelle Young @ Bukit Jalil

I have been cafe hopping alot recently. 
Simply because I love the vibes, the aesthetics and the feeling of exploring something different everytime you open the doors. I have a particular liking for coffee and cakes places. Ice cream is always welcome. And of course, I've invested abit in a new camera and lens. So I have to practice!  

So recently I've tried this bakery cafe in Bukit Jalil called Michelle Young. 
It feels like a English Tea House and yes the cakes and cookies were good!
I need to come back to try the other things in the menu but I'll wait as we can't dine in now.
But a little tips if you would like to dine in, places are limited as they only have 4 tables now. 
Thus, plan ahead and definitely avoid peak hours. Which are in the afternoon after lunch time.
I purposely go there around 12pm because who eats this for lunch other than me? :D

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