Taiwan Trip : Day 8

Day 8 : Taipei > Jiu Fen > Taoyuan Air Port > Home

Due to the fact we couldn't enjoy the view of Jiu Fen last time, we came here in hopes it wouldn't rain. But it did. again.

And the worst thing is, we were almost last for our train due to finding the lockers in Taipei Main Station. Luckily, we ran like marathon and hop on the train a minute before it departed.
Otherwise, we would be super devastated. 

We took the bus back and went back to the Main Station and we got lost again. 
We then only discovered that the bus to Taoyuan Airport is in a another direction which requires us to walk like 20-30 min (after getting lost)
So tips for you all, go there early.
And to our luck, the people that day in Taipei Main Station were not really friendly.
Not sure why or its just our luck.

Oh well. We reached back early in the morning and oh i do miss our Nasi Lemak with extra Sambal.
Nothing could replace it.

But if this country was managed better I would picture a more advance Malaysia.
Till my next trip. Bye :) 

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