Taiwan Trip : Day 5

Day 5 :
Taipei 101 > Mysterious Starbucks > NTU > Mr. J Restaurant > 24 Hours Watson > End

Tai Pei 101

Our secret mission to the mysterious Starbucks in Taipei 101

How to Go : Tai Pei 101 Station
Make reservation 1 day in advance (+886 2 8101 0701)
This Starbucks is located on the 35th Floor.
Why a must go : It is a cheaper alternative than going to the top of Taipei 101 which cost NT500.
There is a minimum spending in the Starbucks but is easily exceeded and you get the view with a full tummy :)
Food : Menu is similar to what we have in Malaysia.
But the croissant is good


Okay this wasn't on our schedule, but we ended up here cause there were two Mr. J Restaurants. It wasn't a waste of time cause we cycled around the campus like a University student and saw a graduation photo taking session which was perfect. 
Which makes me wonder, why my university is not as gorgeous as this. 

Mr. J Restaurant.
Being all cheapskate and adventurous, we cycled all the way from NTU to here.
We were lucky to meet an good Samaritan who took us all the way here.
It was a wonderful experience. 

To end this post, posing on the streets of Taipei

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