Taiwan Trip : Day 4

Day 4 :
Xi Men Ding > Tai Pei Main Station > Bei Dou > Dan Shui > Shi Lin Night Market

Bei Dou
How to go : Taipei Main Station > MRT Red Line towards Dan Shui
> Change at MRT Beitou station (Pink Line)
> 1 stop to Xin Bei Dou station
Duration : ~30 mins

Beitou Garden Spa, aka Millennium Hot Springs (北投親水公園露天溫泉浴池)

Cost : NT 40 or NT20 for students
Important : Remember to bring your swimwear otherwise they will force you to get one outside.
Plus there are many sessions to follow 
Sessions: 530-730,8-10, 1030-1300 etc

Plum Garden (梅庭)

Meet Mei Mei 

Beitou Thermal Valley (地熱谷)

How to go : Walk along Zhongshan Road next to the Beitou Park,
across Beitou Hot Spring Museum, for 10 minutes.

We headed to Dan Shui after that as it was on the same same MRT line. 
(MRT Station : Dan Shui) 

However, we made a mistake to come here during the weekend cause it was super crowded.
Couldn't go to the Lovers Bridge as the queue was crazy
So we cycled along the the Old Street.
I can't seem to find the pictures, they must be with my friend. 

To buy here : 
1. Ginger Tea (Jiang Mu Cha)
2. Tie-Dan 阿婆铁蛋 - This is awesome

After this we headed to Shilin Night Market which was also the same line

How to go : MRT Tanshui >  MRT Jiantan
(Its much closer to the night market than Shilin Station) 

To try/buy here : 
1. Hot Star Large Fried Chicken
2. 奶油餅 (Nai You Bing)
3. Clothes - are more affordable and fashionable

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