Taiwan Trip - Day 1

I traveled to Taiwan last year from 4th November till 11th November 2015.
And I've finally have the time to sit down and edit my pictures during this long CNY break.

If you plan to travel to Taiwan, I would suggest the following items : 

1. Check the Weather
Weather was supposed to be cool but to our dismay it was as hot in Malaysia.
And i only brought one shorts :( The weather started to change during our last two days there.
So my suggestion is to check the weather before coming here! 

2. Bring a Universal Adapter
Taiwan's socket is different from what we use in Malaysia

3. Bring your Student Card
There are some special rates for students like the Easy Card & Hot Springs

4. On the lookout for Tickets
I bought my tickets around RM900-1000 with luggage. 
But i have friends who managed to secure their tickets for only RM800. 

5. In doubt, ask passerby
Taiwanese are really helpful! True to what I've read on other blogs

In summary, my itinerary includes the following.
Day 1 : KL > TaiChung > Feng Jia Night Market
Day 2 : Tai Chung> Da jia > Gao Mei Wet Lands > Tai Chung
Day 3 : Tai Chung > Tai Pei > Wu Fen Pu > Rao He Night Market
Day 4 : Tai Pei > Bei Dou > Dan Shui > Shi Lin Night Market
Day 5 : Tai Pei 101 > Starbucks 101 > NTU > Mr. J Restaurant > Xi Men Ding
Day 6 : Tai Pei > Shi Fen > Jiu Fen
Day 7 : Tai Pei > Mao Kong > Shi Da Night Market > Shi Lin Night Market
Day 8 : Tai Pei > Jiu Fen > Tai Pei > Home

If you would like to read in details, please do visit the individual post for each day and I'll begin the first day now! :) 

Day 1 :
KLIA2 > Taoyuan Airport Terminal 2 > Tai Chung > Feng Jia Night Market > End

We landed at Taoyuan Airport Terminal 2 as we were using Air Asia.
Had to transit to Terminal 1 to get a bus to Tai Chung.
We realized the sun sets pretty early in Taiwan as compared to Malaysia.
Around 5/6 pm its already dark. 

How to go : Fei Gou bus (飞狗巴士) to Chou ma Station
Which literally means flying dog. 
Duration :2-3 Hours
Cost : NT240/person

Alternative : High Speed Rail which takes 1 hour for NT620

Our first stop is of course the most famous Feng Jia Night Market. 
We were lucky it was a weekday so there were less people.
And to our surprise, the shops closes around 12am. 

Hand made Combs

Papaya Milk

Papaya Milk is awesome.
I don't know how many i have consumed there. 
I didn't managed to take many food pictures but I'll list out what you must try. 

 Fried Golden Squid chunks 花枝烧

Other goodies to try which I've missed out taking pictures :
1. Grilled scallops sprinkled 干贝烧
2. Spring onion pancakes 葱蛋饼
3. Fried Chicken Cutlet 鸡排
4. 大腸包小腸 

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